Following its accreditation, the Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute constantly monitors and reviews its Strategic Plan in order to promote a Research Institute of excellence. This means establishing and monitoring research and management quality indicators.

To achieve this, and in accordance with the regulations specified in Royal Decree 279/2016, dated 24 June, on the accreditation of Health Research Institutes (Official Gazette issue 161 dated 5 July 2016), the Evaluation-Quality Unit provides support to the different Units of the Institute in order to obtain reaccreditation.

On the other hand, it monitors the management processes already in place by means of implementing a system to evaluate and exploit indicators, necessary for making decisions in a dynamic continuous improvement system such as the Biodonostia HRI.

IIS Biogipuzkoa, in the spirit of ongoing improvement applied to the Organisation’s philosophy, has made the process of implementing a Quality Management System. Its certification under ISO standard 9001:2015 has been obtained at the end of 2017.

The certification encompasses the five following Research Support Services Platforms: Cell Culture, Molecular Diagnosis, Genomics, Histology and Clinical Research.

Later on, mid-term and as a result of this will to improve, other Platforms will join the scope of the activities covered by the aforementioned standard.


Consult the certification

Consult our Quality Policy

Consult the scope of the Quality Management System



  • Maintaining the monitoring indicators system.
  • Managing processes of reaccreditation as a Health Research Institute.
  • Providing information to Government Bodies and the Quality Commission for making decisions, including the review of results, information analysis and suggestions for improvement.
  • Coordinating the processes of introducing, monitoring and certifying the Biogipuzkoa HRI Quality Strategy.


Olatz Arrizabalaga Garde: R&D&i Management and Scientific Coordination.
Tel.: + 34 943 006001

Julián de Frutos Soto: Evaluation-Quality Unit Manager.
Tel.: + 34 943 006026