The hybrid model for the classification of personality disorders in DSM-5: a critical analysis.
Esbec E, Echeburua E.
Actas Esp. Psiquiatri. 2015; 43: 177-186. FI: 1.200 (Q3).
Normal-weight and overweight female adolescents with and without extreme weight-control behaviours: Emotional distress and body image concerns.
Cruz-Saez S, Pascual A, Salaberria K, Echeburua E.
J. Health Psychol. 2015; 20: 730-740. FI: 1.826 (Q2).
Effectiveness of a psychological support program for relatives of people with mental disorders compared to a control group: A randomized controlled trial.
Polo-Lopez R, Salaberria K, Echeburua E.
Behav. Res. Ther. 2015; 68: 13-18. FI: 3.845 (Q1).
Subclinical Depressive Symptoms and Continued Cannabis Use: Predictors of Negative Outcomes in First Episode Psychosis.
Gonzalez-Ortega I, Alberich S, Echeburua E, Aizpuru F, Millan E, Vieta E, Matute C, Gonzalez-Pinto A.
PLoS One. 2015; 10. FI: 3.234 (Q1).
Risky eating behaviors and beliefs among adolescent girls.
Cruz-Saez S, Pascual A, Salaberria K, Etxebarria I, Echeburua E.
J. Health Psychol. 2015; 20: 154-163. FI: 1.826 (Q2).
Chronic stress in immigrants and relatives of people with mental illness: a comparative study.
Salaberria K, Polo-Lopez R, Cruz-Saez S, Echeburua E, Berry K.
Rev. Mex. Psicol. 2015; 32: 7-15. FI: 0.436 (Q4).
Left-sided infective endocarditis in patients with liver cirrhosis.
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J. Infect. 2015; 71: 627-641. FI: 4.441(Q1).
Adicción al juego en la mujer y comorbilidad. Implicaciones para el tratamiento.
Echeburua E.
Revista de Patología Dual. 2014; 1: 5-11. FI: 0.000 (Q0).
Folic Acid Supplements During Pregnancy and Child Psychomotor Development After the First Year of Life.
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JAMA PEDIATR. 2014; 168: e142611. FI: 0.000 (Q0).
Factors related to rejection and abandonment of the therapy for female victims of sexual assault treated in adulthood.
Echeburua E, Sarasua B, Zubizarreta I, de Corral P.
Rev Argent Clin Psic. 2014; 23: 51-60. FI: 0.096 (Q4).
Models for Primary Care and Mental Health Collaboration in the Care of People with Depression: Main Results and Methodological Challenges of a Systematic Overview.
Calderon C, Mosquera I, Balague L, Retolaza A, Bacigalupe A, Belaunzaran J, Iruin A, Garcia B.
Rev. Esp. Salud Publica. 2014; 88: 113-133. FI: 0.600 (Q4).
New Challenges in the Treatment of Disordered Gambling.
Echeburua E, Salaberria K, Cruz-Saez M.
TER PSICOL. 2014; 32: 31-40. FI: 0.755 (Q4).
Contributions and Limitations of DSM-5 from Clinical Psychology.
Echeburua E, Salaberria K, Cruz-Saez M.
TER PSICOL. 2014; 32: 65-74. FI: 0.755 (Q4).
Assessment of personality disorders according to DSM-5: Available instruments and limitations.
Esbec E, Echeburua E.
TER PSICOL. 2014; 32: 255-264. FI: 0.755 (Q4).