Group leader: Luis Piñeiro Vázquez, M.D., Ph.D.
Donostialdea IHO luisdario.pineirovazquez@osakidetza.eusLuis Piñeiro, M.D., Ph.D. has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra (1994), Specialist in Microbiology and Parasitology (2000), Doctor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) (2017) with Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2019). In 1996, he began his assistance activity in the Microbiology Service of the Donostia University Hospital (OSI Donostialdea), since 2006 in the Virology and Molecular Biology Section.
In recent years, his care work has focused on microbiological diagnosis using molecular techniques, with special dedication to the management of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and other STIs, a subject on which he has carried out his Doctoral Thesis. The assistance task has been combined with research (publications in indexed journals, book chapters, competitive research projects…), related in the field of STI with the study of local epidemiology, syndromic diagnosis and genetic characterization, improving the management of these infections through targeted antibiotic treatments, and prevention by valuing the implementation of screenings. Among teaching and dissemination activities, he participates in a Master’s degree in Preventive Medicine and Public Health on communicable diseases in the UPV / EHU, in training courses of STI, and in the elaboration of guidelines and positioning documents. Since 2021 he has been part of the Board of Directors of the Study Group in STI of the Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, which collaborates with the Delegación General de Salud Pública of the Ministry of Health for the development of actions within the framework of the approach to STI. |
Strategic Objectives
Improve the clinical management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) thanks to the translational value of research, through epidemiological surveillance, advances in diagnostic and genetic characterization techniques, the optimization of therapeutic management and the value of possible preventive strategies.
Main lines of research
- Epidemiological surveillance of mandatory declared STIs (Chlamydia trachomatis -including venereal lymphogranuloma-, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Treponema pallidum), as well as monitoring of STIs considered emerging or causing outbreaks (Mycoplasma genitalium, Shigella spp., monkeypox virus, hepatitis A-C virus , etc.). Study of the incidence, prevalence and impact of these STIs and relationship with epidemiological variables: seasonality, distribution by sex and sexual behavior, age groups, clinical manifestations and consequences of chronic infection.
- Update and evaluation of syndromic and rapid microbiological diagnostic methods, as well as genetic characterization techniques that allow advances in the knowledge of molecular epidemiology, the analysis of genetic virulence factors and the association of the microbiome with the development of STI.
- Analysis of phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic susceptibility, and monitoring of resistance rates to antibiotics used in STI. Agreement of phenotypic and genotypic susceptibility analyzes with the response to treatment. Study of other causes of treatment failure (reinfection, persistence, metabolic fitness…).
- Valuation of strategies that increase diagnostic coverage and that imply citizen participation, including community and civil society organizations: implementation of criteria in vulnerable populations and new preventive strategies in STI.
Team Members
Name Surname |
Center | |
Maitane Arrastia Erviti | Donostialdea IHO | MAITANE.ARRASTIAERVITI@osakidetza.eus |
Leire Gil Alonso | Donostialdea IHO | LEIRE.GILALONSO@osakidetza.eus |
Pedro Idigoras Viedma | Donostialdea IHO | pedromaria.idigorasviedma@osakidetza.eus |
Izaskun Lasa Alvarado | Bidasoaldea IHO | IZASKUN.LASAALVARADO@osakidetza.eus |
Scientific Output