
Group leader: Iván Macía, Ph.D.

Vicomtech imacia@vicomtech.org
Dr. Iván Macía Oliver has been Head of the Biogipuzkoa HRI eHealth Group, within the Bioengineering Area, since 2012. Since 2014 he is also Director of the Digital Health and Biomedical Technologies Area of the Vicomtech Foundation, the applied Research Group dedicated to the development and transfer to industry of technology solutions for the biomedical field based on artificial intelligence, image analysis and interaction. He has been part of the Vicomtech Foundation since April 2003 where he initially specialised in the field of medical image analysis, completing his Doctoral Thesis at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2012 in the field of vascular image analysis. He is the author of more than 36 indexed publications, the head of several funded research projects and of different industrial contracts, as well as general coordinator of the European DESIREE project – Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer. He also collaborates with the Computational Intelligence Group (GIC) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Strategic Objectives

  • To develop advanced IT systems based on the management, transmission and efficient display of information, data mining, semantic engineering and artificial intelligence that can improve the efficiency of the health system and the quality of patient care, both in the hospital environment and at home, in all areas of the health chain (management, prevention, diagnosis, therapy, follow-up and rehabilitation).
  • To develop IT systems aimed at a particular field or pathology, which use radiological images and other types of demographic or associated clinical information to improve the diagnoses and plan and implement interventions as accurately and safely as possible, through 2D/3D image analysis techniques, modelling of anatomical structures, artificial intelligence, display, virtual navigation, image-guided surgery and robotic surgery.
  • To develop IT systems for the analysis and display of biological and omic data, in order to speed up the biomedical research and performance of advanced diagnostic testing.

Main lines of research

  • Computer-aided diagnosis:
    • Image analysis.
    • Omic data analysis.
    • Display.
    • Artificial intelligence.
    • Semantic engineering.
  • Computer-assisted intervention and follow-up:
    • Pre-operative planning.
    • Intra-operative navigation, Image-guided surgery and Robotic surgery.
    • Post-treatment follow-up and rehabilitation.
  • Information Systems in Health:
    • Distributed systems.
    • Information Systems in Hospitals: Telemedicine, Home care and Independent living.

Team Members

Name Surname
Center E-mail
Garazi Artola Balda Vicomtech gartola@vicomtech.org
Andoni Beristain Iraola Vicomtech
Álvaro Bertelsen Simonetti Vicomtech abertelsen@vicomtech.org
Camilo Andrés Cortés Acosta Vicomtech ccortes@vicomtech.org
Mariano De Blas Bravo Donostialdea IHO mariano.deblasbravo@osakidetza.eus
Isabel De Los Reyes Amaya Vicomtech iamaya@vicomtech.org
Jose Maria Egaña Barrenechea Donostialdea IHO josemaria.eganabarrenechea@osakidetza.eus
Gorka Epelde Unanue Vicomtech gepelde@vicomtech.org
Ainhoa García Familiar Donostialdea IHO ainhoa.garciafamiliar@osakidetza.eus
Alba Garin Muga Vicomtech agarin@vicomtech.org
Hans Jurgen Grande Telleria Cidetec hgrande@cidetec.es
Jon Kerexeta Sarriegi Vicomtech jkerexeta@vicomtech.org
Karen López-Linares Román Vicomtech klopez@vicomtech.org
Ruth Marquina González Donostialdea IHO ruth.marquinagonzalez@osakidetza.eus
Cristina Martín Andonegui Vicomtech cmartin@vicomtech.org
Aurora Mª Sucre Rodríguez Vicomtech amsucre@vicomtech.org


Scientific Output